Posts in Gratitude
8 things the pandemic can't steal from you

It’s been 10 months.

That’s a long time.

I miss warm hugs, not having to worry if my mask is with me, and meeting friends for coffee – where I want and when I want.

I’m tired of hearing the fear in my mom’s voice, sitting in my home office chair for hours on end, and talking about the virus.

I’m sick of the frigging pandemic. But I’m not going to let it steal from me. I’m not going to let it define my any piece of my life. Yes- I want it done and gone, but I know it will leave an imprint.

Here’s my list of things COVID-19 can’t steal away from me.

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How choosing to divorce was choosing to live my life

The fear of staying was so much greater than the fear of leaving. I wanted me back. I wanted to know what loving me felt like. I wanted to live a life full of purpose. I wanted to re-discover who I was and to embrace that girl in a warm, safe hug.

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How to ask for what you want

If you’re like me, you don’t always directly ask for what you want. You may hint around the edges, but never really look your desire straight in the face and say, “I choose you.”  It’s as if there’s some unwritten rule or misguided assumption that to ask for what you truly want is just not done or even a bit selfish.

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