Gratitude unlocks miracles

Guilty.  Of fear, denial, and lack of faith.  These feelings run through my mind and body inviting in a variety of plagues:  self doubt, sadness and anxiety.

To let go of control is no small feat

When we're caught in that emotional storm, it's so hard to throw up our hands and say "okay, Universe you deal, I'm done here."  To let go of control is no small feat.  In fact, I'm actually advocating that you build your faith up daily.  So when the storm blows up, you will weather it better.  Not perfectly, but with a firmer foundation under your feet.

Gratitude is the key.  To weathering life's twists, manifesting the life we want, and opening our hearts to miracles.  By acknowledging each day the blessings we've received, we become magnets for miracles.  Simply by opening our awareness to the Divine presence that's already an active force in our lives.

Increasing awareness is easy.  Pay attention to the synchronicities happening in your world.  If you think it and it appears -you're in Divine flow- so say thank you.  

Miracles come in all sizes. 

Looking for a parking spot in a crowded ramp and one suddenly appears?  Miracle.

Want a yoga class close to home and at a time that works for you...look, there's one advertised in the local paper.  Miracle.

Need $9,000 for taxes?  A new client shows up for you and the money comes in at just the right moment? Miracle.

Walk away, without a scratch, from a double rollover accident that blocks two lanes on a busy Interstate?  Miracle.

I know because all these are my miracles.  Each time it happens I get a tingly feeling on the top of my head.  It's my signal and I always take a moment to express my gratitude for the Divine help.

So when the storms in my life start to brew...gratitude is my fall back position.  I notice all that's right in my life. Seeing that list of blessings brings me closer to my faith, making the storms easier to ride out.  I know that I'm loved and protected, therefor I can't be broken.

Originally Published 11-22-2017