4 ways to make gratitude a daily practice

Every day we’re bombarded with life.  It comes at us fast and furious, barely allowing time to breathe.

This constant activity leaves us feeling scattered, un-grounded: like we could blow away- a balloon on a spring breeze. 

Enough!  It’s time to reclaim our lives and gratitude is the key. I know, it sounds too easy to be true, but that’s the beauty of it.

Gratitude is the place where miracles happen in our lives.  By shifting our attention from what’s going wrong, or is beyond our control, to acknowledging what’s working- we make room in our lives for more Good Stuff to flow in.

It goes beyond simply saying thanks for everything. It’s not a surface practice or a cavalier, Pollyanna attitude.  Nor is a gratitude practice about paying homage to money. It's about acknowledging the experiences in your life that bring you happiness, joy and all those emotions you love feeling. You're grateful for the smile of your child as they lick an ice cream cone or the belly laugh you had with a good friend.

Gratitude is a feeling…a knowing, an appreciation that builds in our hearts.  In that place where the feeling lives- we connect deeply to our higher power. You can tell when you're in the state of gratefulness.  You're present in the moment, a deep peace and joy that co-exist in your heart.

Why is gratitude important?

It lowers your stress levels.  By focusing on those things that you appreciate, you shift your focus from worry, naturally lowering your stress. 

Clarity enters in. By focusing on what you’re grateful for- you bring attention to what’s important in your life. The clutter falls away, leaving you with insights about where you want to focus your energy.

You invite more good things into your life. We always attract more of what we’re thinking about and the emotions we're focusing on. Ever get caught in a really bad day? Like you just can’t catch a break? That’s because we place our focus on the bad, which attracts more bad. When we pivot and focus on the good, guess what? Yep- more good flows. Don’t you love it?

You feel more grounded and balanced. By appreciating what we have, we stop wishing for what we don’t have. That keeps us in the present moment, not rooted in the past or anxious for the future.  There’s a sense of being “exactly where you are supposed to be.”

Here's 4 ways to make gratitude a daily practice:

  1. Start before you even open your eyes.  Just as you're waking up in the morning say a prayer to your higher power. "Thank you for bring me to this brand new day.  I'm so excited for it to unfold."  This sets the tone for being both grateful and open to infinite possibilities!
  2. Share your gratitude.  In your morning shower or during your commute ask yourself what 3 ways you can share your gratitude today.  You could compliment a co-worker, have a bit more patience with your family (or your drive!), buy the person in line behind you a cup of coffee.  There are so many possibilities!
  3. Start a gratitude journal. Record daily at least one thing, person, or experience you're grateful for that day.  This is a powerful tool for change.  You'll see it happen over the course of a week- your thoughts will be more positive and negativity will diminish in your life.
  4. Focus on the lesson. This one will flex your gratitude muscle!  When we're passed over for promotion, have a fight with our honey, or get a flat tire -our first thoughts go to the frustration, anger or sadness.  This is human nature.  After you've honored your feelings, take a breath and try to see what the lesson is in the situation.  What is the Universe try to teach you?  Be grateful for the lesson, because once it's learned that lesson will move on.

Ready to give this gratitude biz a try?  I'm an addict and have seen how a daily practice makes a difference in my life.  A friend recently confided that she thought positivity was one of my superpowers and that she was a bit envious of the way I don't let the hard stuff push me over.  True-I get my share of challenges, but by leaning on my gratitude practice I can get myself back to a balanced and happy life more quickly.

Let me get you started.  I've designed a Gratitude Journal that will guide you on your journey.  It's available by clicking the words below and connects to Kismet, my spiritual coaching website.  You do need to subscribe to get a copy. If you're already a subscriber and want a copy, please send me an email. 

Kismet Gratitude Journal

P.S.  If you've enjoyed this post- I'd love if you share it!  Send it to family or friends who would benefit from more balance, grace and gratitude in their lives.

P.S.S.  If you have a gratitude practice you'd like to share, please TELL me.  I love learning new things.  You can write your gratitude practice in the comment below.

Originally Published 04-04-2018