7 morning affirmations to spark magic

Pssst…I’ll tell you a secret. 

You can choose to have an astonishing kick butt kind of day or a ho hum, drag your fanny kind of day.

That’s right- you can choose.

It’s totally up to you.  Not your boss, your friend with the crazy schemes, or even the guy who flipped you off on the way to work.  It’s all on you.

During my morning meditation on Insight Timer (free app) I was led to a terrific morning meditation for a happier, more magical filled day, by Jonathan Lehmann.  And who doesn’t want more happiness or magic in their life?

He shares 7 affirmations for capturing magic in the morning and setting yourself up for a light, bright, and joyful day.

I felt so energized when I was done listening, that I wanted to share them with you and give you a shot at magic too.  You can look Jonathan up on the Insight Timer app or simply read his affirmations daily for the next 10 days to see a wondrous shift in your days.  (he does have a warm, dreamy voice)

Here are his affirmations for sparking magic in the morning:

1.       I make plans, but I remain flexible to the plans life has in store for me.  I try to say yes as often as possible.

2.       I cultivate patience, and by doing so I also cultivate self-confidence.

3.       I welcome the opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and I do not let myself be guided by fear.

4.       I love myself unconditionally because it is essential to my happiness. I love the person that I am and do not need other peoples approval to love myself fully.

5.       I am going to drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, walk, take the stairs, exercise.  Today I am giving love to my body.

6.       I give everywhere I go, even if only a smile, a compliment, or my whole attention.  Listening is the best gift I can give to those around me.

7.       I try to be impeccable with my word and to speak only to spread positivity.  It’s counter productive to my happiness to speak against myself or against others.

If using all 7 feels a bit overwhelming, just choose the one that feels best for you.  Use it each morning before you even pull back the covers to slip from your cozy bed.  You’ll see a shift happen after as little as 10 days.  I think taking just a moment to make a monumental change is a no brainer, but again it’s your choice!

You get to create your life through your choices- it’s one of the gifts from the Universe. 

Today, and each one that follows, I’m choosing a bit of morning magic.