Make the right choice every time

Ever feel plagued by indecision? Do I? Don't I? Head spinning, running in every direction, second guessing yourself and wondering...why can't I make any progress?

When we are unclear about what holds value for us, the more difficult it is to navigate this BIG world.  We jump from job to job and even from one relationship to another. The Rolling Stones song "I can't get no satisfaction" is a mind worm, and maybe even a life mantra.

All the time we are wondering, why can't I find my zone or zen? 

The answer is lack of clarity and it can manifest in many ways. We feel stuck or worse in a spiral of yuck that we don't know how to escape. We can feel powerless to change it.  However, the power for change resides within us - we just need to access it. 

Knowing what has meaning to us, what our values are, is a little known superpower. 

Think about it.  If every choice we made was rooted in what has meaning for us, we would never make the wrong choice again.  We would be aligned in our truth and move forward from a place of strength.

Many people fall into the trap of making choices based on what others want or what they think others want.  They're living their lives looking for external reward instead of internal.  The question is "Do you want to live your best life?"  Only you know what is best for you, what has meaning for you. Basing your choices on what is best for everyone else will only leave your dissatisfied and frustrated.

Below is the key to my superpower.  These steps will help you live a more gratifying life, simply because you will begin to make decisions and choices based on what has value for you.

First, identify your values.  Need help?  You can access of list of values by clicking on the link at the bottom of this blog. 

Print the list and grab a pen.  Then take 5 deep breaths inhaling through your nose and out through your mouth.  Without thinking too hard, quickly circle all the values that sound good and cross off those that don't.

Look at you circled list.  Read the circled word, close your eyes and repeat it silently in your mind.  How does your body feel?  Tingly, light, at ease?  If it feels good- its a value.  If it doesn't it's not.

You now have your value list.

Next step takes practice, daily.  Each time you are faced with a decision or situation ask yourself this question:

"Does this (action, choice, situation, opportunity, relationship) match up with what I value?"  If not, simply and graciously move on.  If yes, dive in!  No toe dipping or wading to the belly button.  Go all in!

You will see your life unfold in the most miraculous and amazing way.  Using this exercise I started a new career as a life coach (in my fourth decade-gulp!) because it aligned with my values of freedom, service, knowledge and spirituality.  I love my business and no longer feel like I'm stuck on a treadmill of my own creating. As a bonus, I've attracted a wonderful tribe of people who share my values.

Ready to live your best life, aligned with your values...let's begin.

Originally Published 01-10-2018