How to ask for a sign

Do I? Don't I? Do I? Don't I?

Big decisions sometimes leave me paralyzed. Especially when I alone, am responsible for the choice.  No one else, just me. 

No weight on my shoulders...yeah right.

Last year I was faced with a real choice.  Not should I get a dark roast or a latte, but something substantial. 

Health insurance yes or no?

Yep, caught in the health insurance hell.  My premiums went up 67% and to afford personal health care was suddenly a financial burden.

It felt so icky. I've always been responsible.  I good at adulting. To not have heath insurance felt life I wasn't being a grown up.

At the time I was reading a book by Gabby Bernstein, called

There was a chapter about asking for signs. Really? I can ask- wow- what a concept!

So.... I asked God for a sign.  Yep- just asked.  A request for direction...a please HELP me.  I need to make a choice and soon,  within a few days.  Deadlines were looming.

At the time it was the end of December, in Minnesota. Picture snow, cold and your foggy frozen breath. 

I needed a sign so BIG that I couldn't miss it - A red corvette.

Yep-show me, God,  the red corvette and I will not get health insurance this year, knowing my good health continue. Oh...and I have three days before health care enrollment ends.  No pressure, God.

Two days later.  After getting a cup of coffee and returning to my car.  A vintage 1970's era red corvette pulls in and parks next to me. 

What?  It's snowing!  Who drives their classic car in the snow?

The gentleman gets out from his red 'vette and waves at me. 

At that point I break down into tears.

Thanks God.  You truly have my back.

Moral of the story?  Ask for your sign. The be patient because it will come.

Interested in learning more?  Read Gabby Bernstein's book - it'll open your eyes and strengthen your faith.

Have a story where you received a sign?  Share it below.  This stuff gives me goosebumps!  Love it.

Originally Published 09-27-2017