How surrender leads to change

Like a lightening strike- wham- you feel fried, nerves pulsing and your hair standing on end.  I'm talking about those moments in your life where you feel like you're free falling, no net.  In mere seconds  your life changes, pivoting so fast your breathless. 

The biggest, earth shattering, mind blowing moment of my life occurred in 2013.  I was reading "Anatomy of the Spirit" by Carolyn Myss. 

Sitting in stillness, with tears streaming down my face, I read the words that changed my life forever.

You must truly love yourself before you can begin to love another.

I knew in my heart it was time for a change. 

I wanted to love me so desperately.  To embrace my quirks, my snorting laugh, my woo-woo ideals, and come back home.

So I left my old life. 

Simply because I knew, if I didn't, my companions would be illness, despair and solitude.  It wasn't easy.  I'd been in a codependent relationship for the better part of two decades.  I was worried about judgements and the nasty naysayers, but I made the change because staying would be soul-less.

I let go and I let God back in. 

I chose to surrender. Hitting my knees,  I asked God to help me move from the place of despair to a place of strength.

Not easy for a born and bred control freak.  All my life I felt I needed to be in control of everything or I would feel powerless.  The truth is I was already powerless.  My constant trying to force an outcome left me bereft and empty.

I prayed.  Dear God show me the path you want me to take.  Open the door and I will walk thought it, led by faith.

A miracle happened!

When I chose to seek God, form a relationship, be open, and to have God dream for me-   my life pivoted. In the RIGHT direction.

y life unfolded with ease. 

I wasn't alone.  I was being guided to resources, teachers, and opportunities to grow. By letting go, I began to live the life I was intended.  Faith leads to knowledge.  With knowledge we can be in control.

By letting go of who I though I should be...I became who I truly am.

Whatever you've been holding onto so tightly, let it go to God.   In this place of surrender, miracles can occur.  Live a miraculous life.

Originally Published 10-11-2017