Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Is your self image blurry?

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Do you see magnificence?  Your strength, resilience, beauty, and compassion?  Your ability to nurture others and heal a world that needs more love and grace?

Or are you like me? Does your focus -as you brush your teeth looking through half slit eyelids – only take in the wrinkles, your crooked incisor, the big zit on your forehead, the nose that is a tad too big for your face?

I can get lost in my imperfections, listing them off like some honor code.  In fact, I diss compliments at times because the kind comments aren’t aligned with what I believe to be true about ME.

Looking in the mirror, what do you see?

Are you clear and bright, or is your image blurred by all the baggage you haul around?  The mistakes, the missed opportunities, the “she did me wrong” attitude, the disappointments-all feel heavy and like they are a part of you, an undeniable part of you.

Self perception is a funny business.  Not in a belly laugh sort of way, but as more of a self misconception.

You put under the microscope ever tiny little flaw and blow it up so that it feels like every fault is on a giant billboard for the world to see as they pass you on life’s highway.  Why?  Yes-you’re the sum of your experiences, through which you learn and grow, but you are so much more.

There’s only one you.  Remarkable, incredible, marvelous.  There’s only one person on this great planet with your combination of gifts. 

You are here to share them with others.  Your gifts enhance this world, making a difference that you may never know.

When your self image is blurred, you hide those gifts away.  Tucking them into the back of your closet with the string art you made in 5th grade and those jeans you’ll never be able to wear again.  The gifts maybe hidden, but they are still there -waiting to be unpacked and shared.

It’s hard to wrap your mind around your greatness.  In fact, one of the fears I’ve wrestled to the ground is that of success.  It’s easier to stay in the shadows, safe and knowing exactly who you are and your limitations.  It’s scary to unleash your unlimited nature and shine, because at that point things change, and you don’t know what is coming next.  Terrifying and thrilling at the same time.

 No one ever looks at themselves the way other people do. 

What you see is colored by the past.  What other people see is illuminated by the present. 

To get the best picture of how you show up in the world, ask your friends.  It may feel scary, but the results are both stupendous and stupefying. You’ll feel a shift, like returning home after a long trip.

Ask 5 to 10 people close to you what they think your superpower is.  What makes you uniquely you- what gifts you bring them every time you connect.  Your mind will be blown, in the most amazing way.  Better than chocolate, new shoes, and great sex combined. Yeah- truly that awesome.

I did this for a class, and I sobbed for days, as comments came in from friends.  I cried because in their words, I finally saw my soul.  It split me open to the fact that I make a difference in the world- I have purpose- I’m not just here on a spinning orb biding my time.  In fact, I saved all my “superpowers” into a single sheet, printed it (stopped just short of laminating) and keep by my bed in case my self image gets blurry.  A reminder that the world needs the little extra I bring.

Your self perception has been clouded and blurred by all the negativity, ugly comments, self doubt, and disappointment that’s been heaped on your shoulders.  Yes, struggle exists and yes, life isn’t always the proverbial bowl of cherries.  But you’re so much more that a few setbacks- you’re here -pulsing with energy, thriving against odds that only you know about, building a life that makes a difference.

There's only one YOU.

One glorious, beautiful you.

A you that has been created with just the right combination of ingredients.



Look in the mirror.  Take in your glory.  See yourself clearly.  Fall in love with the person looking back.

P.S.  Make a friend's day.  Send her this blog, but add in what you think her superpower is.  You'll touch her heart and lift her soul.