How you can live like a Diva on any Budget

Inside of me is a diva. 

She’s not hell on wheels, nor does she have an I’m better than you attitude.  My inner diva is a woman who wants to be valued – to know she’s worthy of all the great, juicy bits that life has to offer.

She emerged right after my divorce was finalized.  Before that time, she was nothing more than a passing thought or a feeling my gut, which I mistook for indigestion on occasion.  It had taken years to figure out that the best person to tell me that I have value, is me.  Relying on someone else for my self esteem, was like having someone else eat for me, I couldn’t receive the nourishment I needed.

At the time funds were a bit tight.  The lesson, money doesn’t buy happiness was fresh for me, so I decided to look at other ways to indulge my inner diva.  I decided to focus on pampering myself in little ways that would make a difference in my life, every day things that would make me feel energized, powerful. and bubbly. 

Anyone can use these five strategies for living like a diva.  Not a single one will break the bank and all will touch a vital piece of you: mind, body and soul.  One thing I’ve learned about my inner diva is that she’s satisfied if I just give her a few minutes a day.  A little bit of time to say to myself “Hey- you’re worthy of time, attention, and love.”

Identify one thing you refuse to compromise.

There should be one material aspect in your life that you pay top shelf for, a small indulgence.  It could be your favorite body care product, an eye brow wax every six weeks, or triple ply bath tissue.  The item doesn’t matter, the principle does.  When we treat ourselves to the best, we’re telling ourselves that we are worthy of having the best.  For me it’s my morning beverage.  In the years after the divorce, my morning coffee wasn’t Folgers but high end Starbucks and I made it in a French press (ooh lala).  Each morning, when I went through the ritual of making my first cup of the day, I was sending a message- yep, I’m worth $14 per pound of the finest beans.

Make time to indulge your soul.

I’m a reading freak.  True- I read about 3 to 5 books a week!  I gave up buying books, because I wanted my girls to go to college, but I still indulge through my library card.  What’s your indulgence?  Music, cooking, nature, movies, art?  There’re creative ways to enjoy what lifts our souls based on personal budgets.  Decide what’s right for you and look at all the opportunities.  Love to go to Broadway shows, but don’t like the sticker price?  Get rush seats!

Pamper your body.

We all get just one body.  So, let’s show it some tender loving care.  Pick a day once a week to shower yourself with extra attention and time.  Sunday evenings are my home spa time.  Sometimes I give myself a facial, or a hot oil treatment for my hair, or a long soak in my tub.  My favorite self indulgence is a salt scrub.  My skin feels to soft afterward- babies’ bottoms don’t even compare.  I take a cup of Epsom salts, a tablespoon of oil (olive, sunflower, avocado) and 10 drops of essential oil, usually lavender or jasmine.  Combine the ingredients, wet the skin and the scrub down avoiding any sensitive areas. I do this in the tub while the water is filling and then soak in the salt and oils-heavenly.

Use the good stuff.

Why do we use the good stuff for guests or special occasions?  It’s time to use the guest towels after that hot shower or drink the orange juice from the cut glass crystal.  Every day is a special occasion, because we are living it!  Not ready to have breakfast on your china?  No problem.  My point is that you shouldn’t be settling for the chipped dinner plate, you deserve to eat with matching silverware.

Have a refuge.

My bedroom is my place that’s totally mine.  We each need a space that we can escape to, that feels warm and welcoming.  If you don’t have a room, then a chair with a beautiful throw or quit would work as well.  I keep my room tidy, have my favorite things nearby, and keep it an electronics free zone.  When I walk though the door and enter my room, it’s like a mini-vacation from the rest of my life (or the messy house).  I always feel pampered when I slide under my blankets, plump my pillows, and grab my book!

In the years since my divorce, my Diva self has flourished.  I feel more confident, empowered and loved when I take the time to indulge my own whims.  Being a Diva isn’t about stepping on others to get what you want, its about focusing inward, on loving yourself, and realizing that you are very deserving.