Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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How to tap into Your Intuition

I knew when I grabbed the decorative tile off the kitchen counter there was going to be trouble.  I had told my ex-husband I was going to grab it, but the voice in my head screamed loudly “DON’T” and because I wasn’t in a very generous place and was more than slightly crabby, I ignore it. 

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Yep- that one action, the total lack of trust in my own inner voice, led to a huge fight.  It derailed our relationship for months and I could’ve avoided a great deal of pain by simply listening to my intuition. But no, my ego roared up and I discounted what I knew to be true from a very wise source- myself.

We all have that inner knowing.  Our intuition’s there to serve us, to protect us and to guide us- if we’d only listen.  Every time I trust my gut, I end up on the winning side and every time I don’t …chaos.

Each day our inner self is busy chatting away.

If you’re like me, I don’t always hear the chatter.  I’m too busy, too overwhelmed, too preoccupied or too worried to clearly hear the advice being offered.  It’s like I’m programmed to hear the annoying beep, instead of the actual public service announcement.

Since that fateful day, I’ve learned to be a better listener.  Like any skill, it takes practice and patience.  A willingness to accept that how you feel should be your guide instead of what you think.  Yep- intuition is heart driven, not head.

The good news is that even the most analytical person can develop their inner Spidey sense.

Here are a few steps to tap deeper into your intuition.

1.  Practice, not perfection.  Progress is made when you learn to clear your mind.  If you’re a meditator then you’re already able to still your thoughts.  For everyone else, try this simple exercise:  Twice a day take one minute and focus solely on your breath, following it from the beginning of the inhale to the very end of the exhale.  You can do this in the shower, in a parked car before a meeting, or right before you go to bed at night.

When our minds are clear, we break free of the surge of conflicting emotions.  By using our breath, we diminish anxiety, so we can hear our inner wise-self speak.  Daily practice is like a tune up for when stuff hits the fan and we need guidance.  We can easily access our intuition in an urgent situation if we practice clearing our minds.

2. What a feeling!  Intuition shows up for each of us differently.  It can be a sense of knowing, a feeling in the heart or gut, a tingly sensation in the body, or even a voice in our heads.  The formula is simple.  If the vibe or message you get feels positive, then take that action.  However, if you feel nauseated, heartsick or truly conflicted… that’s a resounding no.  Get to know what your tell is, so you can recognize when an intuitive hit comes your way.  I have a few different ones: my crown tingles, I hear a voice just outside my right ear, and my shoulder blades pulse (where my wings would be if I had them).

Again practice.  Use your intuition on little things first, even if it’s wondering about whether to throw out that leftover hotdish!  If you feel sick when you pull it out of the fridge- dump it immediately.  I’ve paid the price on this one…not pretty.

3. The force is with you.  Once your guidance has shown up, trust it!  If I’d listened and trusted my intuition I’d have left the blasted tile on the counter.  Your inner voice does no good if you choose to ignore the message.  It’s a leap of faith and one that will always be in your best interest.  It can be hard, but if you’ve practiced on the small stuff, when you need your intuition for a major decision, it’ll show up for you BIG TIME.

I have a process build around these steps. The acronym is BAT, as in if I use my bat I’ll hit a home run. I know- a sports analogy from Kirstin- unbelievable!

BREATHE -I find a quiet space where I won’t be interrupted and take a few minutes to focus on my breathing and to clear my mind.

ASK – In my mind I ask the question I want guidance on.  I usually frame the question with a yes or no answer, so it’s easier to hear my intuition.  Then I wait for my intuitive response to come in.  It can hit immediately or take a few minutes.  Sometimes, I get nothing.  That’s when I take a break and try again later or try a different phrasing to my question.

TRUST- Once I get an intuitive answer, I act.  No toe dipping, but a cannon ball into action.  I fully commit to taking the action need and trust that I’ve been guided to what’s best for me.

There are times my ego still takes the lead.  Each time there’s a lesson waiting for me and I’m reminded (not so gently) that I have the resource I need to help me on journey- my intuition.