Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Three questions that break your negativity pattern

Sometimes I get stuck in a pattern. It's similar to being in a maze where I can't find the exit or the entrance.   For a girl with leads to a loss of control.  The result is not pretty- picture a grown woman in a melt down!

When the world isn't going just the way I want or even expect, I get a bit crabby.  Yep, just like a toddler I want it my way.

In that place, I tend to see  a situation or even a person from a place of negativity or judgement.  Thoughts run rampant and unchecked:

"Why are they doing this to me?"
"Seriously, can't they get their stuff together?"
"Whine, whine, whine.(wait that's me...I'm the whiner)

Down the spiral I go into the land of fear, doubt and judgement.  I really don't like it here. My body feels awful and my soul weeps.

Time to become unglued.  Release the judgements and pivot my perspective.

Today let's take a moment to look at one relationship or situation we want to change. Moving away from the judgement and looking at it through the eyes of love.

How?  By asking yourself the following.

  1. What lesson is waiting for you to learn it? If the same situations keeps arising, you've a divine lesson to learn. Pivot your perspective, try a different response such as forgiveness, or it time to let go?
  2. What if the behavior is really a reflection of yourself? People act as mirrors of our own behavior.  If you want to experience more kindness, be more compassionate towards others.
  3. Am I acknowledging my role in the situation? Once we clearly see what type of energy we're bring to the situation, we can begin to see it differently.

Remember, we have the power to choose.  Each day we can either spread love or we can perpetuate judgement.  Which way to you want to live?

Originally Published 11-07-2017