Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Manifesting; 4 steps to getting crystal clear

Have these thoughts ever run through your mind:

I want to be successful, or
I want to be happy, or
I want to be in love?

How is that working for you?  For me, I've discover that when I am ambiguous, the Universe gives me it's interpretation of what I want. 

Case in point, my summer of prosperity.  I asked for Divine help to have the most prosperous third quarter ever.  That's all I said, no detail, just a broad statement.  What I truly meant was that I wanted my billable hours to be at an all time high, allowing for a greater cash flow to pay bills, my life coaching schooling, and just to be able to breathe easier. 

What I worst billable summer on record.  Ouch.  However, it was my most prosperous summer ever.  I had taken care of my money and implemented a revised investing plan with my advisor. You guess it- I made over $25,000 in my retirement fund.  I refinanced my home saving me hundreds a month and discover that my home equity was beyond my original assessment.   Money flowed, but nor in the way I envision or that met my immediate need.

My mistake?  A significant lack of clarity.  I was unclear and the universe showed me the result of my fuzzy request.  Don't get me wrong- I'm thrilled with my new found abundance, I just want to be able to access it in the here and now. Not in 20 years.

Time to restate my request, but with attention and intention behind it. 

I'm sharing my "crystal clear" process, so you can manifest that success or love into your life.

First, get clear about what you want. What does it look like? Define. Define. Define.  Be specific with what you want to occur. Vagueness has no place here.

Second, describe why you want it.  Write it down and then underneath bullet point all the reasons why you want it.  Keep them positive and list as many as you can. "I want ________, because__________.  Abraham Hicks detail this in their book Ask and It is Given.

Third, identify how you will feel when it happens.  Will you feel confident, secure, joy, peace?  Find the feeling(s) and sit with them, immerse yourself.  Every time you think of your request, bring up the feeling you'll have when it is met.

Fourth, this is the hard one, let it go.  We so want to control the outcome, but our control doesn't allow for the Universe to work on our behalf.  Your request may not be of the highest you.  Be open and the result you receive may exceed even your wildest dreams.

Gabby Bernstein has a fabulous mantra, that I'm currently using:

"I welcome infinite possibilities and I am open to receive"

To learn more about manifesting, I would recommend reading Abraham Hicks.  You can connect with my favorite book of theirs using the link below.

Originally Published 12-27-2017