How to protect yourself from negativity

Zip up Your Energy

We're made up of energy. 

It's the essence of every cell in our physical and spiritual being.  As we go about our days, we leave bits of our energy behind and collect energy from others.  Each encounter with another person is an energy exchange. 

You've experience it.

Think of a friend.  Do you feel energized after spending time with them?  Or do you feel drained?  In either case, their energy's being absorbed by you, both positive and negative.

The best way to protect yourself from negative energy bearers is to zip up your energy before making contact.  Stressful holiday family dinner?  Crowded mall with crazed shoppers? Or even a bothersome and more than slightly annoying co-worker cornering you at the office party?  Zip it up. 

When you zip up your energy, you're protecting yourself from other people giving you their junk.  Yep...their anger, disappointments, negative outlooks, their crazy.  It's easy to do and takes less than a minute.

Simply visualize a zipper located at your toes.  Mentally (or you can physically do this) picture yourself grabbing the zipper and pulling it up.  Past your knees, over your head, down your back and under your feet, back to your toes.  While you're doing this say " I'm zipping up my energy and protecting myself from all negativity and other stuff that does not serve me."  Feel free to name the person if it's an individual you want to block from your energy field.

There you're done. 

Breathe a little easier and know that you are now teflon...the bad juju will bounce right off.  

You'll feel a little lighter and be able to enter a stressful situation knowing your well armored.

Originally Published 05-18-2018