Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Gratitude Journal Write your future

What you focus your intention and attention on grows.  Take that sentence in and then think about where you have been focusing and in what way you're using your energy to create your life. 

Fixating on the lack or negative aspects in our life attracts more of the same.  This is why when we focus on the worst- voila- it shows up.  That spiral of misery, lack of money or a loving relationship- no one else is to blame. Yep, we're creating those experiences.  By focusing on what we don't have, we're actually inviting more lack into our lives.  This is the Law of Attraction.  We're co-creators, we can choose the life we want to live. 

It's done though a pivot. By changing our thoughts to reflect what we want more of in our world.  Wishing for a vibrant and nurturing love life?  Focus on the love you have in your life..lean into the love you have for your children or a trusted friend. Focus your energy on that love and be grateful for it.  Cultivate what you have and it'll flourish.  As it grows it'll attract more love right into your life.

For me the easiest and most fulfilling way to pivot my thoughts and get out of my own head, is to keep a gratitude journal.  It sits nestled on my nightstand next to my bed.  Every night before I go to sleep, I write down everything I was grateful for that happen during the day.  Nothing is too small to acknowledge. And some days, I really have to reach for just one or two things.  Hey- I had a parking spot upfront when the windchill was -20 degrees or I ate the most incredible apple, crisp and juicy.  The point is to bring our intention and attention to what makes us feel good, even if it was a great parking spot.

This act of reflection really makes a difference in my life:

  1. It helps me to focus on the positives in my life, which helps me feel good about my life.
  2. I'm reminded daily that my life is full of riches, if I just choose to acknowledge them.
  3. More good stuff flows into my life.  I'm whipping up a storm of abundance instead of a spiral of negativity.
  4. I fall asleep easier and faster.  My brain is no longer clogged with muck.  As a bonus, I wake up more energized and in a better mood.
  5. On a day when I'm struggling, I can turn to my journal and choose to look at a previous day's blessings.  It's a gentle reminder that I'm Divinely supported.

Every new year's eve I read my gratitude journal.  Beginning with January 1st of the previous year.  It's a trip worth taking. On December 31st this year, I spent an hour and a half reading about how blessed my life was the previous year.  The memories my writings triggered filled me with such a sense of wonder, of purpose, and yes...gratitude.  I felt centered and grounded in my faith and my role as the co-creator of my life.  I was giddy for what will unfold next.

Looking to create change in your life?  Pickup a journal or start a list on your computer.  Live from a sense of gratitude by giving thanks for the blessings you've already received. Experience a miracle.

Originally Published 01-31-2018