Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Fearless- 5 steps to taking the leap


A word.  A feeling. A reality?

For some, including me, the thought of being fearless can actually strike fear into our hearts. How paradoxical and confusing.

What does it mean to be fearless? Is taking a deep dive without a net, your definition? It use to be mine. I didn't want to walk alone; taking risks felt downright scary. The constant play of "what ifs" looping in my mind.  As a result I shank - playing small, dimming my light, and downplaying my gifts.

Fear is a safe place. It kept me safe from all that scary unknown.  Yet at the same time fear kept me from my full potential.  Was I safe or was I stifled?

So I changed my personal definition of what it means to be fearless.

For me, it means to have the confidence and courage to know that I'm NOT alone. I'm supported in all moments by the Divine.

To be fearless you step into your power, your authenticity, in spite of doubt, nerves, or worries. You take the risk because you know. You know that at all times you're Loved by a power greater than yourself. Empowered by that faith you can leap- and be fearless.

How? Through surrender.

My greatest fear was that I wouldn't get past my fear. Yep - a bit messed up.  Then I realized that the more attention I gave the thought the greater it grew, till it was larger than my faith; controlling my life, thoughts and actions.

So I took these steps towards fearlessness:

  •  I recognized that I wanted to be in control and my fear was the result of facing an unknown outcome.
  • I remembered successful circumstances where I have been courageous and confident, where the outcome exceed my expectations.  I brought that feeling into my heart, sinking into it.
  • I surrendered my fear to the Divine.  By letting God take the reigns, I was no longer responsible for the outcome.
  • I focused my intention and attention for the highest good and let the Divine go to work on my behalf.  I let go of the outcome, simply stating "this is going to be good...don't know what it will look like, but it will be great."
  • I took guided action, by listening to my intuition and welcoming new opportunities even when they didn't match what I thought should be happening.

Gratitude was waiting for me on the other side.  I still have niggles of doubt and some days panic stops in for a visit, but I have my steps for living fearlessly and know that I can take that leap.

Originally Published 11-29-2017