Demystifying the mala

Part of the Spiritual Tool Box Series

Meditation is my anchor, my rock and truly my happy place.  When I'm in the groove, my life unfolds with ease.  So I mediate every morning, before I start my day (even before checking my phone or having my daily tea).

I don't want to lead anyone down the path of thinking- wow! she's devoted or even- I could never be that dedicated.  Truly, as much as I love meditation there are many days when finding that place of Zen and peace eludes me. 

My issue- the incessant chatter of my monkey mind.  It goes like this:

(picture me sitting upright in alignment, eyes closed, palms facing upwards- an outward vision of peace and tranquility)

Breathe in slowly, breathe out.  Excellent Kirstin keep going...

Inside my head: I need to pick up milk today, take the dog in for a nail trim...wait BREATHE.  Awe that's it- keep going.  On mantra ..."I am worthy" the refrigerator making funny sounds?  (listening to the fridge) no...its just humming like usual...wait BREATHE.  What was my mantra again?

Frustrated with having a dedicated spiritual practice that was batting about .300, I asked the Universe for help in training my toddler mind.  One of my spiritual teachers featured a podcast on malas and my inner self sighed with relief.

A mala is a necklace of prayer beads, traditionally 108 beads plus a guru bead, it's believed to have originated in India back in the 8th century B.C.E. This necklace can also be known as Buddhist beads or Buddhist prayer beads. They are made from natural materials including different types of wood or natural gemstones, which carry special healing properties and energies.  You don't have to be a specific religion to use a mala, it a spiritual tool to help focus your mind during meditation and prayer.

Traditionally, malas were made with 108 beads plus one guru bead. The significance of 108 malas can be linked to many things. For example, there're 108 sacred texts, 108 sacred sites in India, 108 lines of energies that connect in order to form the heart chakra, the sun’s diameter is 108 times the diameter of the Earth, and the sun’s distance to the earth is 108 times greater than the sun’s diameter. Amazing, huh?

It's simple to use. Hold your mala in your right hand, draped between your middle and index fingers. Starting at the guru bead, use your thumb to count each smaller bead, pulling it toward you as you recite your mantra. Do this 108 times, traveling around the mala, until you once again reach the guru bead.

Now my monkey mind naps during my meditation with the use of my mala.  I inhale on my mantra, move the bead forward and the exhale.  It's that easy!  I purchased it through Etsy and it is made of Unakite which resonates with the frequencies of love, compassion and kindness. 

Different crystals vibrate at different frequencies which correspond to the seven chakras (energy wheels) in our bodies.  For example, if I desire to embrace my personal power by increasing my knowledge and joy, I'd look for a yellow stone associated with the 3rd Chakra: the Solar Plexus. 

It can be confusing if you aren't use to working with chakras and crystals.  Each chakra vibrates at a certain frequency and has an associated color.  A stone or crystal of that same color holds the same frequency and enhances the healing of the chakra.  I've simplified it for you.  The link below will connect you to a handy dandy chart for Chakra Healing. 

This spiritual tool has been a blessing for me.  I feel more centered and my meditation time is paying off in bigger dividends.  I hear my intuition more clearly and feel grounded as I start my day.  Give it a try and happy meditating!

Kismet Chakra Healing Chart

Originally Published 01-24-2018