Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Cutting the cord

We all have them.  Those situations or people who literally suck the energy right out of us.  

Their presence causes us to feel drained, negative, or even nauseous.  Our reserves become non-existent and we feel like all that is left is our shell.  Yep, energy suckers.  They can appear at work, in our close circles, or even in our families.  You can recognize them by the negative cloud they bring with them into every room.

Don't suffer anymore.  Take action.  Yelling " you are an energy sucker!" is not the answer, although for a moment it might feel good. 

People and situations attach energy cords to energy fields.  We attach to others and vice versa.  When the cords are filled with negativity and lower energies such as shame, judgement or guilt, they drain us of our own positive energy.

Protect yourself with this simple cord cutting exercise, which has been adapted from Gabby Bernstein.

The following meditation offers powerful guidance in cutting cords. I recommend you work with Archangel Michael, know for protection. He carries a huge sword, which comes in handy when tight cords are attached. (his picture is in the painting above)

Sit comfortable cross legged on the floor and straight up in a chair.

Tune in with the following prayer:

Thank you Divine Light of the highest truth and compassion. I realize that there are unhealthy cord attachments that need to be released. The cord with ( insert name) is not serving anyone. I welcome in the guidance of Archangel Michael to lead me in releasing this attachment now.

Take a deep breath in as you expand your diaphragm.
Exhale completely as your diaphragm contracts.
Continue this cycle of breath throughout your meditation.

As you breathe in begin to scan your body for tensions.
Where in your body do you feel the cord attachment?
Place your hand on that part of your body.

In you mind’s eye envision the cord attaching you to _____________.
See the dark, thick cord tethering you to the energy of this other person.

Breathe deeply into the space in your body where the cord is attached.

Now call on Archangel Michael to enter this space.
Sense the room expand with his presence.
See huge angel wings and a large body come into the room. Michael is surrounded by a vibrant blue light.

Michael, I invite you to cut this cord between me and ____. I know this cord no longer serves either person and we’re ready for it to be released.
Thank you Michael for cutting the cord now.

In your minds eye, witness Michael take his huge sword and cut through the thick cord.

The cord begins to fall to the floor.

Feel the cord detach and allow yourself to surrender to the feeling of relief.
Witness the cord as it dissolves into white light.

I ask that the negative energy attachment be recycled by Mother earth. May there be freedom between me and ___. May the energy be healed.

Sit in stillness and let the energetic shift be healed.

Pray: Thank you Archangel Michael and all the guides of the highest truth and compassion. I am grateful for your support.

Originally Published 10-26-2017