Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Creating a Nightly Ritual that Transforms

I'm so busy.  I've no time.  There's no time to breathe!

Sound familiar?  May be these words have been uttered from your own lips or are they the lament of many of your closest friends?

Our world seems to be hardwired for exhaustion. 

The constant running about from point A to point B without a thought about the actual journey.  This perpetual state of chaos leaves many people unable to wind down and fall asleep.

As an aromatherapist, I get numerous request for sleep aids.  My clients share that their minds won't stop processing their day and insomnia is their new bed partner. And while lavender may manage the symptoms, it won't cure the problem.


The answer to a good night sleep...

Treating our time to rest with the respect it deserves.  It's all about our approach to bedtime.

Our bodies and minds need sleep to refuel and replenish.  Saying we can survive on 4, 5,or 6 hours of sleep, does us a disservice.  Truly who wants to survive this world?  Don't you want to thrive instead?

Here are some steps to create a nightly ritual that transform:

  1. Go to bed consistently at the same time.  Routine is key.  Your body will adjust to it and come to expect that at 10 pm it’s time to rest.
  2. Skip the news.  The last thing your mind absorbs before bed is what it’ll focus on during sleep.  If you fill your mind up with negativity this energy oozes into your dreams and will actually set the tone for the next day.  You can check in the next morning for the headlines.
  3. Focus on gratitude.  While you are brushing you teeth, reflect on 3 positive things that happen during the day.  If you feel compelled- start a gratitude journal, recording your blessings before bedtime.
  4. Visualize how you want your day to unfold tomorrow.  Imagine that meeting being productive, an easy commute , the discussion with your boss a huge success.
  5. Keep the lights low.  If you can't fall asleep after half an hour and need to get out of bed, then don't turn on all the lights, watch TV or play on your phone.  The light stimulates your brain making it even harder to fall asleep.  Instead use the time for reflection, to mentally visualize tomorrow, or do a relaxation meditation.
  6. Develop a routine or ritual that feels right for you.  Everyone is different.  My routine is to tuck in my house (doors locked, window shades drawn, etc), write in my gratitude journal, and then prayerfully meditate.  I even mentally say " I'm going to sleep soundly and be rested in the morning" before my head hits the pillow. 

By honoring sleep as essential to our well being, we change how our days unfold.  By taking the time to slow down in the evening we are actually giving ourselves permission to slow down our days.  Busyness stops consuming us, we become more present, and sleep comes more easily.  It circular and interdependent. 

Remember, surviving isn't the optimal's thriving.