Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Be happy- be your own champion

Big "aha" moments come from the smallest whispers.  No searchlights or neon, but in the common moments of everyday.

One of my most significant and life altering moments came watching Eat, Pray, Love on TV.  Simply me, my couch, and some chocolate.

At the time my life was on a parallel track with the main character, Liz.  I understood her grief over the loss of a dream- her marriage.  Facing the same decision, I wept openly as I watched her journey unfold.  Whispering to myself- that's me.  I'm her.

It's while she's in Bali and every one is trying to find her a husband, that my "a-ha" shook the house. Liz is bemoaning the fact that everyone thinks she needs a man to Felipe (who will end up being her husband).  He answers " You don't need a man, you need a champion."

Zing! Pow! What?

OMG- that's what I need!  Where do I find one of those?  Can I order one from a catalog- please? 

Fast forward 11 months.  I'm sitting in my new home, recently divorced, and thinking again about needing a champion.  Reflecting on my life the past months as I made decision after decision that reshaped my life.

I realized that waiting to be rescued by my champion was an waiting. 

Who better to rescue me, than me?  Taking it a step deeper, did I need to rescued at all?  Can't I just show up for my life in a way that I want?

What, after all is the role of a champion?

  • They celebrate our successes
  • They support us when we try new things
  • They pick us up , dust us off when we fail
  • They encourage us to use our gifts
  • They want us to be who we truly are and accept us for actually being that person

We become our own champion when we accept ourselves for who we are...the dark bits and the sparkly ones and everything in between.  The whole of ourselves.

How do we become our own champion?

By showing ourselves some grace,  Instead of beating ourselves up because we made a mistake we admit we did the best we could at the time.

Each day we let our light shine more by sharing our gifts, cultivating our creativity and being grateful for our life.

We own our power.  As co-creators we take responsibility for the life we're creating.  Letting go of negativity and embracing love.

We celebrate our differences.  Snort when you laugh- snort more!  Love bright colors- infuse your world.

Be your own champion, show the world that you're worthy and strong.  Have faith you can co-create a life of your dreams by being exactly you.

Originally Published 12-06-2017