A ritual for letting go

This is my first blog in the series The Spiritual Tool Box.

Surrender doesn't come easy for me.  I fight it with a ferocity that borders on super human.  My quest to be in control has been the foundation on which I built the first 4 decades of my life.  For years, I thought I was on solid footing, only to discover I built a life on ever shifting sand.

Frustrated, exhausted and a bit crabby, I knew there had to be a better way to live life.  I realized that in every moment there are those things we can control.  Our experience, knowledge and compassion lead us easily along the right path.  However, in those same moments there are elements beyond our control; great unknowns.  It was the unknowns that were my hangups.

For my own health and sanity, I had to find away to release and surrender the unknowns: changes I need to make but didn't know how, uncertainty about the future. 

The process needed to bring me both joy and peace, a sense of ritual in which I place my faith.  Empowered, I went looking and found a beautifully carved box.  The moment I saw it at the local pickers shop, I just knew.  This was my Miracle Box!

My practice is simple and divine.  I share it with you, with the understanding that you can adapt it to your life.

First, write down on a piece of paper whatever it is you want your higher power to handle on your behalf.  A job change? improvement in a relationship? money for a trip?  Nothing is too big or too small. Be specific, this is not the time to be unclear.  (quick qualifier -  we can ask for miracles for others if it is for their highest good.  This is a spiritual practice, so think only of benefiting others and ourselves.  Miracles are seated in Love)

Say a prayer.  A simple  - I give this to you Divine to take of for me.  Thank you.  Place your paper in the box.  Notice the sense of relief.  A lightness in your body or an easing of tension.  No need to worry- God's got this now.

You can put as many pieces of paper in the box as you wish.  I do one each Sunday night as part of my weekly planning ritual.  There is no limit.

Second, set a ritual for checking your miracles.  Pull them out once a week or month, whatever feels right for you. Take a peek and see which have been answered.  Remove those where the Divine has answered your miracle request.  Offer a prayer of gratitude and the either burn it or rip into small pieces and throw it away (or flush).  Put those miracles still being worked on back into the box- they're still percolating!

I love to keep track of my miracles, by keeping a list of them in my gratitude journal.  Every time  

a miracle happens I draw a heart by it and the date.  When I feel a bit loss or out of control, looking at my multitude of miracle grounds me and reminds me that the Divine is in control, all I have to do is surrender.

Originally Published 01-17-2018