Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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7 Ways to Feel Happy

Happiness.  Sometimes it feels like the holy grail of emotions.  We know it exists, but it can be just beyond our grasp- elusive. It's a feeling we want- every minute of every day, because it's both addictive and infectious.  Happiness changes our perspective and we see the world as a brighter and more welcoming place.

For me, being happy feels like little bubbles rising up, wanting to spill forth into the world. I want to infect everyone I meet with my happy- I feel the cheesy grin on my face and just can't help but feel the wiggles inside, ready to escape in a laugh.

When I'm happy, I'm in flow.  This means that I'm attracting the people, experiences, and resources I need to keep my happy going.  Know what I mean?  Remember a time in your life when you were just plain giddy.  Think about the circumstances and how when you leaned into your happy and shared it everywhere and with everyone, the Universe sent you miracles, connections, abundance, etc.  Joy is our highest vibration and the key to manifesting a life we truly love.  This is why being happy should be our job!

So let's treat being happy as a full time job.  Work it, experiment, and try on different experiences and discover what makes you light up.  Once you know exactly what makes your spirit sing- hold on tight!

Need help finding your happy groove?  Sometimes my happy disappears down the rabbit hole and I'm left struggling.  Other emotions begin to take up residence in my mind, body and soul.  When doubt, fear, defeat or envy show up, I know it's time to try one of these seven happiness generators.

1.  Witness a sunrise or sunset

A good friend of mine, who's experienced a crossing over, share with me that a sunrise reminds her the most of the time she spent on the other side.  There's a connection, a spiritual marriage between the Divine and Mother Earth that draws us in.  We're witnessing a moment when there is no separation and we know that we're part of a larger world.  This knowledge of connection makes me feel happy, loved and safe.

2.  Help someone

When we give of ourselves to others we're always on the winning side!  Our brains get a little hit of those good hormones when we help someone who needs it.  Again, we're deepening a connection, plus the person we're helping feels valued and their self worth gets pumped up a bit.  Another upside is that by focusing on others, we move our thoughts and actions away from anything going on in our lives that is bringing us down. 

3.  Be grateful

Gratitude is the ultimate mood lifter.  Gabby Bernstein says "Where my attention and intention goes, energy flows."  Simply put, when we focus on what's good and right in our lives, we shift our thoughts to positivity and open the door for great stuff to flow to us.  Try this practice: at the end of everyday, before you go to sleep, think of three things you were grateful for during the day.  It could be a compliment received, a crisp apple that crunched, or even the soft sheets on your bed.

4.  Hug someone

Touch is an overlooked sense.  We all need to be touched in a loving way.  A hug conveys that we care about the person, their important to us, and we want them to know it!  I'm not saying you should hug strangers on the street, but family, friends, and even your dog is fair game.  Research shows hugs are therapeutic, can heal emotional and physical distress, and are critical for survival- four a day are recommended for survival and twelve for growth!  Get your hug on people!

5.  Treat yourself

Denying your desires is a recipe for disaster.  This is not an open invitation to buy anything you want, especially if your budget doesn't allow for it.  A treat can be small or non-material and must be something that fills your spirit.  My favorites are a fresh pot of loose leaf tea, a walk with my dog, time at my art table, and an hour soak in the tub.  Whatever brings a smile to your face and makes your heart feel lighter.  You're worth spoiling a bit.

6.  Move your body

Exercise has so many benefits.  You don't need to be a hard core runner to reap the reward of having an endorphin hit.  Gardening, dancing, walking, biking, yoga...all great.  Put on your favorite tunes and do a bit of a jig for five minutes- I always find myself smiling when I rock out to Prince.  Plus, you feel energized and ready to take on life with a grin.

7.  Connect to your higher power

A prayer of appreciation, meditation, devotionals or writing in your journal allows Divine guidance to enter in.  Our higher power is the perfect partner- we're supported, heard, loved and encouraged.  Building this relationship invites in abundance, in all its forms.  We become more open to new opportunities and feel supported in this life.  For me, security is a foundation for my happiness and I get that from my relationship with God.

Reading these seven ways to be happier everyday, I'm struck by how easy they are to implement.  In fact, you may be doing a few now!  You can raise your happy quotient by just bringing your awareness to them, being mindful of how you feel.

The world needs our happiness to combat all the yuck that is happening right now.  Let's learn from each other.  If you have a happiness tip, please share it with this fabulous community- send me a note in the comment section.

Originally published 5-30-2018