Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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5 steps to living a joy filled life

What lights you up? Fills your body and mind with a humming that can't be denied?

I'm not talking about coffee, chocolate or even a sweet kiss.  Although all have left me feeling tingly.

I 'm talking being infused with JOY.  You know the feeling-the this moment is perfect and I never want it to end. Or the soaring sensation that leaves you breathless and wanting more?

Joy is our divine default setting.  If it isn't yours, then its time to reset. We're all created to live lives pulsing with Joy.  It's in  this place of undeniable bliss where the magic and miracles happen.

Not feeling it?  Does Joy feel elusive, like that perfect pair of jeans that fit just right in all the right places? 

No worries.  Joy is an emotion, so it is always available to you. 

How? Here's an exercise I use when I want to get my buzz on.

  1. Remember.  Close your eyes.  Still your mind.  Breathe in for four counts, exhale for four counts continue...until you feel yourself settle in.  Go to a memory.  A vivid one where you felt the absolute bliss of the perfect moment.
  2. Feel.  In that moment how did you feel?  Were you giddy?  Beyond content?  Let the feeling return and welcome it back into your body.
  3. Ask.  Who am I with?  What am I doing?  Why does this memory make my heart sing?
  4. Act.  Amp up this buzz by looking at your current life.  Add to it by naming all the great stuff that happened to you recently. ( Wow! someone bought me a free cup of coffee or I scored the best parking spot).
  5. Connect.  Stay connected to Joy.  A simple acknowledgement to the Divine for your blessings, is a powerful way to make sure you stay in the flow.

My buzz comes from being with my daughters.  By being present in the moment with them, I connect.  Their stories, jokes and energy transforms my day. 

I would love to here what gives you a buzz.  Give me a shout.

Originally Published 09-20-2017